We’re incredibly excited to be partnering with Southend Borough Council in launching LuminoCity, Southend’s first ever international light festival, which will be the cornerstone in the celebrations to commemorate our newly awarded city status.
Over four dazzling nights in February Half Term, eight large-scale interactive light installations will pop up at iconic landmarks in and around the town centre and seafront, giving residents and visitors the opportunity to view Southend in a new light. The installations come from all corners of the globe, and one of the installations is set for its UK premiere, so this is an event not to be missed!
Jacqui Dalimore, chair of Southend Tourism Partnership, said:
“This is such an exciting event for the town. This is something that we have never seen before and it will bring a much-needed boost for our economy, as we expect thousands to flock to town to see the interactive light displays, take pictures and enjoy all the facilities Southend has to offer. I am pleased the tourism partnership and the council have collaborated to bring this event to the town.”
Cllr Carole Mulroney, cabinet member for environment, culture, tourism and planning, said:
“I am thrilled to announce that we will be hosting the first ever Southend LuminoCity Festival of Light. This event will be something our residents will never have seen before in Southend, and the exciting trail of art work provides a free, fun event for the whole family. "Hosting global artists’ work in our town, including a UK premiere, goes to show that our soon-to-be city has the pulling power of much larger, well-established cities. We are just finalising some of the details and will make a further announcement very soon, including full details of each light installation, and a handy guide for families to use.”
To find out more about the festival, visit

Get Involved in LuminoCity
There’s plenty of ways you can get involved with LuminoCity and put your business name to iconic event never seen before in Southend. :
Be a Festival Guide Pick-Up Point – We’re looking for day and night time economy businesses around the town centre/ seafront to be pick up points for the festival guide map – if you’re interested, you must have counter space in a public area of your business for a leaflet stand – your business will then be added to the map on the official festival website www.southendluminocity.co.uk. Just email culture&tourism@southend.gov.uk to register your interest.
Put on a Fringe Event – If you’re planning/hosting a related event between 16th-19th February 2022, tell us about it and we can recommend it to visitors as something to do before or after visiting the festival. Events will be listed on the official festival website www.southendluminocity.co.uk as well as www.visitsouthend.co.uk. Just email culture&tourism@southend.gov.uk to register your interest.
Create an offer/promotion – if you’re a bar/restaurant and can create a bespoke new cocktail/menu item, or even a discount for festival goers during specific times of the festival, let us know and we’ll add it to our promotions page on www.southendluminocity.co.uk
Get Social with Us - the team over at Visit Southend will be going crazy on the town's official tourism socials over the next few weeks in the lead up to the festival- so be sure to follow and share whatever you can to help spread the word... and don't forget to use #SouthendLuminocity in any of your posts!
Put up a poster - if you've got space in your window, or on a notice board or wall, then download and print off one of our posters to help spread the word about the event: Just click on one of the links and it'll open a printable PDF.
The Benefits of Getting Involved:
Present your business or organisation in a positive way to current and new customers, as well as potential new employees in a competitive market.
Drive footfall and sales to your business
Be a key part of a debut event that raises civic pride, delights the whole town and drives a ‘feel good’ factor in Southend.
Great PR for your business, with lots of opportunities for your brand to be seen via our official media partners and social media.
The event has been funded through the Government’s Welcome Back Fund. Any businesses that would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities should contact culture&tourism@southend.gov.uk